Healthcare access is in a state of chaos!

Of course information is usually biased to meet an agenda.  To get a more reasoned analysis, just go out and ask friends, neighbors, colleagues if they feel that healthcare has deteriorated in some way for their families over the past 5 years.  For some people, there may be an ideological slant of course, but in reality we all seek, as consumers of healthcare, an improvement in clinical outcomes and not some concocted blathering of how this system is operating more efficiently.  If you or a loved one needs healthcare, you will find that many individual or families are facing higher and higher hurdles to get their needed care. Those are the hard true facts and we as individuals need to be prepared to eliminate “broker” so called “healthcare companies” coupled with nonpolitical solutions, leaving more than pocket change for the care of all Americans.  We can do it.  Don’t be fooled by this current mess.

More Proof Obamacare Is Increasing Coverage, but Not Access to Health Care

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